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Tinian divert airfield will open job opportunities for residents

Friday, April 1, 2021

For many years, Tinian has intended on being a self-sufficient island. CNMI leaders and elected officials have seen the potential economic growth that our island has to offer for our residents, specifically in employment and business opportunities. Last month, Gov. Ralph DLG. Torres and elected officials with the U.S. Department of Defense (DOD) broke ground on the Tinian divert airfield, a project that will be completed by Oct. 2025.

The project will call for a larger labor force and create more employment opportunities for Tinian residents. In fact, as of last month, a contracted company hosted a job fair with the intent to hire residents to assist in building the divert airfield.

An aviation pipeline will be constructed from the port to the airport. It will be the focal point of the project and will boost Tinian’s economy. Commercial planes will be able to refuel allowing for an increased viability of direct flights to Tinian. The pipeline will provide more opportunities for private-sector jobs, and businesses will generate increased revenue through local sales.

The divert Airfield will also contribute to an increase in local taxes through the growth of the economy. We can expect an increase in spend in local stores and imports into the island. The attention the divert airfield would bring to Tinian will boost the need for local goods, attract new businesses or investments, thus creating even more job opportunities for our residents.

MVP 2.0

When the Governor’s Council of Economic Advisers launched Marianas Village Pride (MVP) Campaign, Tinian Elementary School was one of the first to sign up. The elementary school recently finished painting the schools’ medians, curbs, and sidewalks. MVP 2.0 will focus on elevating village pride among more Tinian residents.

Our community members can also benefit from the MVP 2.0. Having the Office of the Mayor of Tinian and Aguiguan work closely with GCEA on educating residents about what it means to have village pride will be a closer step to elevating overall efforts for Tinian residents.

Our residents need to be well-informed in other ways to be proud of their island and where they come from. We can play a bigger role in enhancing the beauty of the island. I encourage more local people to develop and join the PPP programs.

Kudos to the Tinian Elementary School students, teachers, and counselors who played a part in this initiative to beautify the schools’ surroundings to enhance visibility for motorists!

Let’s continue our beautification efforts as we celebrate Earth Month in April! We all have a role to play when creating a healthy planet. I encourage the community to learn and embrace the importance of preserving our trees and use this month to plant more trees every year.

Together, We Can!

For more information, visit the GCEA at, on Facebook and Instagram (@cnmigov.economy), or contact them at

By Donald J. Power

Donald J. Power is the vice president of the FPA Pacific Corp. He is also a Council member of the Governor’s Council of Economic Advisers where he serves under the Fiscal Economic Diversification Committee and is the Co-Chair of the Tinian Development Committee under the GCEA.

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