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Kanoa Football Club and Beach Road Tourism Inc. Refresh Garapan Medians

On Saturday, March 12, the Kanoa Football Club and Beach Road Tourism Inc. (ARC) refreshed the Garapan Core Highway medians as a part of their commitment in the GCEA’s Public Private Partnership program. The GCEA extends its appreciation to both groups for their continuous effort to maintain the Garapan Core Highway medians.

The Kanoa Football Club and ARC were the first groups to adopt a median in the PPP program, even before the Adopt-A-Median campaign was launched. The impact of their work inspired the GCEA to expand this program and target the restoration of major medians and sidewalks throughout the Marianas.

Si Yu'us Ma'åse and Ghilisow to the players, parents, officials, and volunteers for their service!


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